Beyond Quality: Unraveling the True Value of Woodworking with Josh Sharp

Josh Sharp, the president and owner of Spectrum Woodworking. Josh shares his journey from underestimating the complexities of millwork to becoming a successful general contractor. He discusses the importance of meeting customer expectations, the value of collaboration within the industry, and the need to embrace technological advancements. Josh's insights shed light on the evolving landscape of millwork and offer valuable lessons for anyone in the field. Don't miss this enlightening conversation on the Verify In Field podcast with your host, Jacob Edmond!

About Our Guest:

Josh Sharp is a highly experienced construction professional with a diverse background in the industry. Growing up in a family with a rich legacy in construction, he was introduced to the trades at a young age. His great-grandfather's role in initiating the construction boom in the Midwest during the 1950s laid the foundation for Josh's passion for the field.

Beginning his career in the construction industry, Josh started off at the ground level, willing to take on any task that his family business required. This early exposure granted him valuable knowledge and skills across a range of construction disciplines. As he honed his expertise, Josh eventually ventured into the realm of general contracting.

Throughout his professional journey, Josh has undergone several career and job transitions. Originally from Michigan, he seized new opportunities that took him across the country to the Pacific Northwest. Relocating to this region allowed him to explore and embrace new challenges in the construction industry.

Josh's story is one of resilience, adaptability, and a deep-rooted passion for construction. His family heritage coupled with his own drive and dedication have equipped him with an unmatched understanding of the industry. As he continues to expand his horizons in the Pacific Northwest, Josh is eager to contribute his expertise, enthusiasm, and joy for construction to every project he undertakes.

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In this episode, Josh Sharp, a general contractor, provides valuable insights into the millwork industry. From the importance of meeting specific job requirements to understanding customer expectations, Josh emphasizes the need for adaptability, collaboration, and leveraging technology to improve efficiency. He also highlights the challenges faced by traditional methods of doing things and the potential for growth and evolution in the industry.

Understanding the Importance of Quality in Differentiating Millwork Solutions:

1. Meeting Customer Expectations:

  • Companies often struggle with understanding and meeting customer expectations, which can result in financial losses.

  • Differentiators for a general contractor are not solely based on the quality of millwork; price, service, and intangibles play a significant role.

2. Value Beyond Quality:

  • "Products can be obtained from multiple places, but there is additional value in design, installation, and craftsmanship."

  • Clients seek value in meeting deadlines, efficiency, and effective communication.

  • Focusing solely on quality may not generate revenue or sustain a business.

3. Embracing Manufacturing Principles:

  • Thinking like a manufacturer, not just a cabinet shop, can lead to more successful outcomes.

  • Challenging traditional patterns and systems in millwork can make the process more efficient and enjoyable.

Adapting to Industry Shifts and Leveraging Technology:

1. Addressing Challenges and Pain Points:

  • The millwork industry experiences daily challenges and pain points that require constant attention.

  • Collaborating with peers and finding support helps overcome these hurdles.

2. Embracing Change and Pursuing Outliers:

  • Businesses must adapt and embrace change to succeed in a shifting industry landscape.

  • The speaker's company aims to be an outlier, running a profitable business that benefits the entire team.

3. Technology as a Tool for Efficiency:

  • Leveraging technology is essential for improving efficiency, streamlining processes, and staying competitive.

  • However, collaboration among people from different backgrounds is still important in the millwork industry.

Looking Towards the Future of the Millwork Industry:

1. Growth and Evolution:

  • Despite challenges, the millwork industry is experiencing growth, with older businesses passing on or selling their companies while new businesses emerge.

  • Succession plans and ownership transfers play a crucial role in the industry's sustainability.

2. Potential for Improvement:

  • There is a significant gap in the traditional methods used in the millwork industry, but companies are working to address these issues.

  • Developing tools and providing education are essential for elevating the industry's standards.


Josh Sharp's unique perspective as a general contractor in the millwork industry sheds light on the importance of quality, adaptability, and understanding customer expectations. From embracing manufacturing principles to leveraging technology, his insights offer valuable lessons for millwork professionals. By continuously evolving and challenging traditional patterns, the industry can thrive and provide exceptional value to its customers.

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