Estimate Your Demand
Estimate Your Demand

Welcome to Part 4 of our six-part series on managing a millwork design team. In our previous blog posts in the series “A Simple Blueprint to […]

Know Your Capacity
Know Your Capacity

Welcome to Part 3 of our six-part series on managing a millwork design team. In our previous two blog posts in the series “A Simple Blueprint […]

Document the Process
Document the Process

Welcome to Part 2 of our six-part series on managing a millwork design team. In the previous post, we discussed Step 1 – defining your inputs. […]

Define Your Inputs
Define Your Inputs

This will be the first of a six-part series in which we will explore the path that you can take to ensure your millwork engineering team’s […]

Schedule Your Resources
Schedule Your Resources

Welcome to Part 5 of our six-part series on managing a millwork design team. So far, we’ve covered four key steps: defining your inputs, documenting the […]